
Make Wrap Around Care effortless with Enrolmy

Simplify your wrap around care management with Enrolmy's tailored platform. Say goodbye to chaos and hello to smooth operations that ensure every child's experience is exceptional.

Make Wrap Around Care effortless with Enrolmy

Your Partner for seamless Wrap Around Care Programmes

Enrolmy understands the unique needs of Before and After School Clubs. From flexible scheduling to clear parent communication, our platform is here to make your job easier, so you can focus on creating memorable experiences for the kids.


Save on admin time

Let Enrolmy handle the tedious tasks, freeing up your time to nurture and engage the children in your care.


Enhance your operations

Our seamless invoicing system ensures you get paid promptly, allowing you to invest more in your wrap around care services.


Serve more families

Attract more families with our user friendly platform, increasing your enrolment effortlessly.


Superpower Parents

Enhanced parent experience

Enrolmy offers a user friendly booking portal for parents, simplifying the enrolment process and providing convenient online payment options. Through the portal, parents can view current and concluded bookings and make changes in line with the permissions you set. Parents can pay for Before and After School Clubs with a few clicks, ensuring that you get paid on time, every time. Parents stay informed through communication channels that ensure they receive timely updates and notifications about their child's activities. These processes allow parents to navigate your childcare offers quickly, easily, and without disrupting your operations.

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Stronger connections

Wrap Around Care voucher management

Wrap Around Care funding is increasing, and providers must have effective voucher management tools to deal with the complexity this creates. Enrolmy's comprehensive Voucher Management feature allows parents to pay, and providers to reconcile, vouchers and other subsidies with a few clicks. Our financial system also integrates with Xero. This grants you an end to end financial process, consolidating your accounts for a seamless experience that streamlines voucher management.

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Exciting tools

Mobile apps for modern Wrap Around Care

Enrolmy's mobile and tablet apps let you manage bookings, track attendance and meet safeguarding requirements wherever you are. The Enrolmy for Providers mobile app has a host of tools, where you can manage attendees, find emergency contacts, and seamlessly complete roll calls. The tablet app facilities attendee sign in and out as well as staff management features. Take these features with you on site to make sure your day runs smoothly. These tools are designed with modern Before and After School Clubs in mind. It's all you need to provide the great care you do and reduce any administrative stresses you have.

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Hear From

Camp Glide

We discovered that Enrolmy was more of a one-stop shop for many functions of our business – linking with Xero for accounts, HR module, Bookings and payments, communications, website and more.

Andy from Camp Glide

Comprehensive guides

EMY Support

We know Children's Activities, and are with you every step of the way. Our experienced team are ready to help you get started today.

Explore our knowledge base

Enrolmy for your unique Wrap Around Care

Enrolmy is designed for Wrap Around Care of all types and sizes. Connect with our team to see how we can serve your Before and After School Club operations.



Wrap Around Care is becoming a priority for many Schools and Councils. Enrolmy works closely with Schools and Councils to see all their requirements fulfilled.


Small businesses

Providers with a handful of settings love Enrolmy for it's powerful features and cost effective plans.


Large multi-site operations

Enrolmy has all the tools large multi site and franchise Wrap Around Care providers need in one superpowered, user friendly package.

Enrolmy's world-class integrations




Proactive Reporting





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