About This Activity
Activity Details
Vertical Horizon Adventure Centre | 572 Everett Road, Inglewood, Taranaki
From $170.00
Run by Vertical Horizon Adventure Centre
Contact Details
* Camp ROLO 7yrs - 11yrs *
Children are placed in teams with others of the same sex and age and are led through the program each day by trained leaders who are reliable, trustworthy role models. The campers work through a number of activities for a personal achievement certificate. Activities include: kayaks, high ropes, archery, zip line, waterslide, drama and many more. There may be an offsite day at the aquatic centre.
So if you want a safe fun place for your child to go during school holidays, bring them to Camp Rolo for an all inclusive package
- Sleeping Bags
- Pillow
- Blankets
- Sunblock
- Toiletries
- Torch
- Towels
- Gumboots
- Closed in Sneakers
- Sandshoes
- Jacket
- Parka
- Swimming Togs
- Enough play clothes for 5 days including socks and underwear
- Aerosol deodorant
- Cellphones
- Mp3 players
- I-pods
- Food
- Money
- Pets
$170.00 - (50% $85.00 deposit upfront is required to secure a place. Until this minimum deposit is received NO place is secured). The balance MUST be paid in FULL by TUESDAY 8th APRIL
Bank Account account will be provided upon invoice
Reference: Childs Name/Holiday Month
Start and Finish Times
Monday 14th April 2024 - Registrations Open from 10am onwards Vertical Horizon Camp - 572 Everett Road, Inglewood
Friday 18th April 2024 - Pick your child up at 2pm at Vertical Horizon Camp - 572 Everett Road, Inglewood
Vertical Horizon Adventure Centre | 572 Everett Road, Inglewood, Taranaki