Activity Details
Belmont - NEW | 151 Lake Road, Belmont, Auckland
$285.00 for 8 sessions | Waiting list places available
Run by Thread Room
Contact Details
Term 1 Sewing Classes
What students will make
To book
Tuesday 3.30-4.30pm
This class is also available at the following days and times:
Tuesdays 4.30-5.30pm
Thursdays 3.30-4.30pm
Experienced Students:
Experienced students will be making a beautiful patch-work gathered top and cute circle chair cushion
Beginner Students:
We will go through all the basics of learning to sew! Making lots of awesome projects as we go such as - scrunchies, tote bags, soft toys, skirts and more.We have a great student/tutor ratio. This means each student gets a lot of focussed attention.
We have a great student/tutor ratio. This means each student gets a lot of focussed attention.
St Margaret's Presbyterian Church
151 Lake Road,
Term 1 starts the week of the 10th of February and run for 8 weeks. All materials and machines will be provided.
Follow the easy steps below. Payment can be by credit card or internet banking.
We can't wait to see you there!
Belmont - NEW | 151 Lake Road, Belmont, Auckland