Activity Details
Belmont - NEW | 151 Lake Road, Belmont, Auckland
$345.00 for 8 sessions | Waiting list places available
Run by Thread Room
Contact Details
Term 1 Adults Beginner Plus Class
This is a class for the advanced/confident beginners. For those who are already comfortable with the basics of using a sewing machine but want to take it a step further and advance their sewing skills.
We will start by covering lots of different sewing techniques that get used when making clothing. Techniques such as different types of seams, sleeves, zips, gathering, waistbands, facings, bindings, darts, stretch fabrics and more.
In the second half of the term we will work on an individual project to make use of what we have learnt. This class will really take your sewing skills to the next level and by the end of the term give you the confidence to work on a range of different sewing projects all on your own.
This class is a great follow on from the beginners class and it is also open to new students with a bit of sewing experience too.
St Margaret's Presbyterian Church
151 Lake Road
Tuesday 6.30-8.30pm
Term 1 starts from the week of the 10th of February. Classes run for 8 weeks.
There is no need to bring anything to the first few classes, as we will be working on different skills. Once we move on to working on individual projects you will need to bring something along to work on. All machine use is included.
Follow the steps below. Payment made via internet banking or credit card.
We can't wait to see you there!
Belmont - NEW | 151 Lake Road, Belmont, Auckland