Terms and Conditions
Please read to the end to ensure you have all the information.
LAST REVIEWED January 2024
By registering your child at The Forest School you do so in full agreement with these Terms and Conditions and acknowledge that you have read, fully understand and agree to the following:
At the time of enrolment and registration, you agree to provide us with all information regarding the health and well-being of your child and you must provide us with all accurate and true information and not withhold or alter any information that may affect or limit your or another childs ability to participate safely and fully, or limit or prevent a teacher from being able to undertake his/her roles safely and fully.
Into The Wild Holiday Club $85 excl GST per day
After you make your booking, you will receive a booking confirmation email. Payment by credit card at the time of booking is preferred.
We accept credit cards, cash and internet banking.
An additional fee of 3.63% and .30c per transaction is added if booking directly through ENROLMY. This is already included in the final price via this platform.
A receipt may be issued on request. Payment must be made in full, in advance, before the date of attendance. Your childs place will not be secure if payment has not been made. Seven (7) days is given to complete payment in full after the invoice has been sentunless a registration occurs sooner than seven days before the booking date. In this case, payment must be made immediately to secure your childs place. If payment has not been received according to the above, the registration will be void and the place given to another child.
One-Day School $1050 incl GST for the applicable full school term as advised by us.
When you enrol your child in the One Day School, you acknowledge that a commitment to the full school term is being made. Your childs place has been reserved for them every week for the full school term and cannot be filled by another child if you choose to have them not attend. Therefore, you are required to pay for the full school term and not individual sessions.
Attendance is required during the school term. The number of available days per school term can change depending on the length of the school term and we will provide you with prior notice of the same. The term fees of $990 incl GST is calculated as a term charge, not a weekly charge. In most terms there are 10 weeks per term,occasionally there are fewer (9) or more (11). The term fee does not change depending on the exact number of weeks in that particular term. It is $990 incl GST every term of the year. Note, we do not offer casual sessions or fortnightly attendance and as such a full commitment to the entire school term is required by us and made by you.
A sibling discount of 50% is given to the third and fourth child of a family. There is no discount for the second child.
Discount is given for multiple days of attendance
2nd day 20% discount
3rd day 50% discount
An invoice for the fees will be emailed before the applicable school term begins and all payment instructions are set out within the invoice. We require payment within 7 days of the date of our invoice being sent. All fees must be paid in advance prior to the term commencing to secure your child's place. If fees are not paid in advance, your child's place is not kept for them and will be given to someone on the waitlist. (In some circumstances, where you make a specific request acceptable to us, we may agree to you paying in instalments either weekly, fortnightly or monthly. This must be by prior arrangement.) An administration fee of 5% is added to payments made in instalments because of the additional admin thatrequired every week. All payment instructions are set out withing the invoice.
Note also that payment by credit card will incur a 3.15% processing fee at the time of payment (which is added on to the price you pay). We accept credit cards, cash and internet banking. A receipt may be issued on request.
Interest on overdue invoices shall accrue daily from the date when payment becomes due, until the date of payment, at a rate of 1.2% per month. If you default in payment of any invoice when due, you shall indemnify us from and against all costs and disbursements incurred by us in pursuing the debt including legal costs on a solicitor and own client basis and our collection agency costs.
Without prejudice to any other remedies we may have, if at any time you are in breach of any obligation (including those relating to your payment obligations) we may suspend or terminate this agreement and your child's enrolment and we are absolved of all obligations owed to you under these terms and conditions. We will not be liable to you for any loss or damage that you may suffer because we have exercised its rights under this clause.
We are a very small family-run business and to operate efficiently we require that all fees are to be kept up-to-date. Thank you.
Our process is that enrolment automatically rolls over each term unless you notify us by email to advise you will not be returning the next term.
This must be in writing with a minimum of 4 weeks notice before you intend to withdraw. An email will be sent out to all parents before the end of the current term as a courtesy reminder.
If the choice is made to have a 'term out' of attendance, you do so, at the risk of losing your child's place. There is no guarantee that a place will still be available on your child's day and a day change may be the only option available to you. However we will do our very best to accommodate all and any requests.
LATE FEE - One Day School & Holiday Club
Your child must be collected from The Forest School at the time we notify you is required for pick-up. A 15 minute grace period is given once the day has ended but you will be charged an additional fee of $15 incl GST per child, for each 15 minutes if you are late to collect your child, unless prior arrangement has been made.
We charge a one-off non-refundable administration fee of $100 incl GST per child at the time of enrolment for One Day School.
After your Confirmation of Place has been received, your invoice will follow and will include the administration fee which is payable by you at that time.
There is no administration fee for our Holiday ClubInto The Wild.
FEE CHANGES- One Day School & Holiday Club
While the fees for the applicable school term are set at the date of enrolment and registration of your child for that particular school term, we reserve the right at any time to change the future fees for the One Day School & Into The Wild and the change to the fees will be effective as at the start of and for any new school term.
Registrations that are requested to be transferred or changed before the Holiday Club has commenced or during the time of the Holiday Club can be accepted only if there is space available.
At our discretion, we may be able to provide a make-up day if we have the room and ability to do so during a holiday club. We will notify you if this is possible as well as the day and the time any make-up day is available. However, this will be at our discretion and we can make no assurance that a make-up day will be available.
If a Holiday Club registration is cancelled more than 7 days before the start date, you will receive a full refund. If a registration is cancelled on or less than 7 days before the start date, you will receive a 75% refund. If a registration is cancelled 48 hours or less, before the commencement of the Holiday Club, or there is failure to attend- NO REFUND will be given. You will still be charged the FULL daily rate.
If The Forest School is forced to close due to extreme, unsafe weather, and this has been paid for in FULL, a credit or make up day will be issued.
If your child has been asked to be collected early due to unsafe or inappropriate behaviour, no refund or credit will be issued.
SIGNING IN & OUT - Holiday Club
Children are required to be signed in & out daily by their caregiver. Parents must personally notify the teacher in charge if someone else will be collecting their child and this will be noted on the sign in/out online platform.
You acknowledge and agree that when you enrol and register your child at The Forest School you are 100% committed to your child attending for the full school term. Cancellations and no-shows have a significant effect on our entire programme including; children on wait lists, administration, staff ratios and resources. Once you have enrolled and registered your child you are deemed to have accepted our Terms and Conditions and you are legally bound to comply. Â
CHANGES- One Day School
Enrolments (i.e. the days your child is enrolled to attend) may be requested to be changed by mutual agreement between the Head of School, teachers, school or family requesting the change or transfer. Any agreed changes or transfers to attendance daysare made on a case by case basis at our discretion and are always made subject to available spaces and in the best interests of the child/children.While we make reasonable efforts to accommodate a request to change or transfer, a change or transfer request is not always assured. Changes will only be made in circumstances that we consider appropriate and if a place is available. Â
ABSENCES- One Day School
No refunds are given for absences. If your child is absent due to any reason including, without limitation, an outside commitment such as a school camp, event or a family holiday; no refund, make-up day or day in lieu will be given. You are still required to pay the full school term fees as stated above.
SICKNESS - One Day School
At our discretion, we may be able to provide 1x make-up day per child, per term if we have the room and ability to do so. We will notify you if this is possible as well as the day and the time any make-up day is available. However, this will be at our discretion and we can make no assurance that a make-up day will be available.
At any time, if you wish to withdraw your child from The Forest School you must give a minimum of 4 weeks notice.
We require that you provide us with your notice of withdrawal in writing, by emailing info@theforestschool.co.nz.
Verbal notice to a staff member is insufficient. With a large database across the week, we require the correct reporting process to ensure our administrators have been notified and can make the necessary updates.
If you do not provide us with the required notice period and you stop attending part way through a term, or if you are a no-show the term following without providing us with the correct withdrawal noticeyou will still be invoiced for the 4 weeks notice period.
Your child is more than welcome to continue attending during their notice period.
We expect a commitment to the full term and a change of mind, circumstances, and withdrawals partway through the school term cause disruption and difficulties with staffing and planning. Please also understand that no-shows &no notice significantly affect the finance ofour little school and the staff personally.
Withdrawals partway through the school term do not guarantee a refund on fees paid, and will only be considered in special circumstances.
In rare and exceptional circumstances if your child has been asked by the School to withdraw from The Forest School; due to harmful, unsafe physical oremotional reasons, at the sole discretion of the Director, no notice is required and in addition to this, there will be no refund on fees paid.
The Forest School reserves the right to exercise its rights under this clause as the health and safety of all children and staff are paramount. The Forest School will not be liable to you for any loss or damage that you may suffer because we have exercised our rights under this clause.
The Forest School Te Rongotaiao is a registered Charitable Trust (Reg Number CC59088)
We are not government-funded, nor do we have a benefactor financing our programme. We are a small family-run enterprise that aims to enhance the lives of children by connecting them with nature. Included when term fees are issued, an OPTIONAL donation towards the Charitable Trust will be issued. This is not compulsory but is extremely appreciated so that we can directly support other families and children to access The Forest School. All donations are issued with a receipt and are tax deductible. Please note that this a separate bank account from the term fees.
The Forest School Charitable Trust Te Rongotaiao
Kiwibank 38 - 9023 - 0375535 - 00
Thank you for your support.
Currently enrolled students automatically roll over each term unless the4 weeks notice is given. Current students will have priority placements for the following school term. Additionally they will be givenfirst choice as to whether they change their day of attendance or select to attend an additional day.
If the choice is made to have a 'term out' of attendance, you do so, at the risk of losing your child's place altogether. There is no guarantee that a place will be available the following school term or any subsequent school term.
Siblings of children already in attendance will receive a priority place over a new family joining.
Attendance of all One Day School children is recorded at the beginning of the day at roll call. This information is available to your childs public school, for their attendance records, on request.
If your child is going to be absent on a day that they would otherwise be in attendance you must notify The Forest School via text (022) 4686184 or by email info@theforestschool.co.nz as soon as possible.
You agree to provide us with a list of people approved to collect your child from The Forest School and a list of people who are not authorised to collect your child. Parents/caregivers must personally notify the teacher in charge if someone else will be collecting the child at the end of the day.
FORCE MAJEURE EVENT- One Day School & Holiday Club
For the purposes of these terms and conditions a Force Majeure Event means an event or occurrence which is beyond our reasonable control (including, without limitation whatsoever, any government directive) and which prohibits or causes any disruption to Into The Wild Holiday Club or One Day School which we (at our discretion) otherwise deem makes the performance of our usual obligations and/or the way we usually deliver the programmes impossible, onerous or unviable.
Notwithstanding any other provision of these terms and conditions, we will not be liablefor any failure or delay in complying with any obligation imposed on us under these terms and conditions if the failure or delay arises from, or relates to, a Force Majeure Event both during such Force Majeure Event and for such time after the Force Majeure Event ceases as is necessary for us, using such efforts as we consider are reasonable in the circumstances to recommence our operations in order for us to perform our obligations and recommence the classes.
Notwithstanding the foregoing, we also reserve the right to deliver our programmes during any Force Majeure Event in a different way to the way we would usually do so (for example, without limitation, remote/virtual activities and learning experiences, emails, video activities and learning experiences, content and classes delivered on-line or by other telecommunications methods).
We will not be required to refund, credit, reduce or discount the Fees for classes your child misses/is unable to attend/we are unable to deliver during any Force Majeure Event (or where we deliver the Into The Wild Holiday Club or One Day School differently as described in this clause) and nor will any Force Majeure Event extinguish, excuse or suspend your obligation to pay the Fees.
CONSENT TO ACTIVITY- One Day School & Holiday Club
At the time of enrolment, the Consent to Activity must be read carefully. Please see this below further. By registering your child you acknowledge that you consent to your child participating, and you understand what The Forest School provides.
There is no assessment against standards or benchmarks or comparison between students. Our philosophy is that learning is an individual process and progress is vast, varied and depends on each child.
Teachers and staff are available every morning and afternoon so that you may speak with them about your childs progress. We value open, honest, transparent communication, collaboration and partnerships with whnau. At this stage, we do not formally report back to parents. However, we do provide regular learning stories. Evaluating and reflecting on learning happens collaboratively with the students at the end of the day, and again privately between the teaching team before the day ends. Anecdotal notes are kept to support the ongoing planning and evaluation process of learners, learning and experiences. This is part of our Emergent Curriculum process.
A private Facebook group is set up for regular communication and Newsletters are emailed out 3 x per term. We are always available via email.
We appreciate parent input and sharing of expertise. If you or another family member has a skill, resource or hobby that may be utilised at The Forest School, we welcome you sharing this with us.
As a smallcommunity school, we appreciate it when families can contributeto a volunteer day, working bee in the garden or as parent helpers on trips and events. These are scheduled on an as-needs basis. We appreciate as much support as we can at these times.
We do not encourage parents to stay during the day. Our aim is that your child builds confidence and independence and to do so, they require the opportunity to observe, explore and become comfortable in their own time. Of course, we appreciate that anxiety is a real thing for many children, especially on their first day. Our staff are extremely capable and experienced in facilitating this transition. They do so in a way that supports each child on an individual basis. Please speak to us if your child may require greater support to transition to The Forest School.
Some parents and/or grandparents who have more availability than others are regular parent helpers. We welcome any extra help and support so long as the parents helping, understand that this means supporting all children at The Forest School, not only their child. If you would like to assist regularly, please let us know.
WELLBEING AND SAFETY- One Day School & Holiday Club Â
The safety, well-being, and experience that all children have when they attend The Forest School is paramount. A duty of care and all reasonable measures have been taken to ensure your childs safety. In the event of an unexpected injury or if your child becomes unwell, we will contact you and/or the relevant medical authorities promptly. All appropriate steps will be taken to ensure the child is safe. Any medical costs will be solely your responsibility.
Children attending The Forest School must come prepared and should be dressed appropriately for the season and weather. This includes: a change of clothing, a wetsuit or rash shirt to protect them from the sun or to provide warmth when swimming, comfortable shoes, a sun hat, sunscreen, insect repellent, a waterproof jacket, waterproof pants, appropriate winter layers such as wool or merino, and a wool hat.
Parents will be notified immediately if children arrive unprepared and it will be the parents responsibility to return with the necessary clothing.
Each child must have their own FULL water bottle and plenty of lunch and snacks. Children get to get a lot thirstier and hungrier when outdoors all day so please include more than usual.
Boundaries, safety guidelines and safety expectations are communicated clearly before any activity takes place. General guidelines are visible on signage. Please become familiar with these.
We regularly review our safety expectations with students. This includes advising/reminding children of boundaries, safe tool use, expectations and routines.
The Forest School will take all reasonable measures to ensure your child's safety. If your child acts outside of the instructions given to them, then they do so at their own risk and they may be instructed to leave the activity.
In the unlikely case that a child becomes aggressive, threatening or violent and staff are concerned for the safety of the child, other children or staff members, the Head of School will be required to take necessary measures to protect those involved and prevent the situation from escalating. This may include: calling parents to collect the child or redirecting the child from the area/situation.
All Policies and our Health and Safety Management Plan is available on request.
RISK- One Day School & Holiday Club
We take the health and safety of every child very seriously and are constantly updating our policies and management strategies to achieve our goal; that no harm will come to any child at The Forest School. The Forest School staff are qualified and experienced in the facilitation of all experiences that take place. Although we take all reasonable steps to mitigate accidents, there is an element of risk in some of the activities at The Forest School and by consenting to your child participating in activities, acknowledge this.
Participation in all activities at The Forest School is voluntary although students are supported and encouraged by their peers and teachers to participate to a level which challenges them. Therefore, we promote challenge by choice and encourage children to learn to assess risk safely and take calculated risks.
By enrolling your child at The Forest School, you understand that there are risks associated with outdoor activities that cannot be reduced to zero. You are aware that you can ask any questions to gain a better understanding of the activities and experiences, before deciding whether your child takes part.
The Forest School regularly scouts the property to identify any hazards and removes these as soon as possible.
Your child must follow any associated instructions that are given, at all times.
The Forest School has a duty of care for your child and will take all reasonable care of his/her property during their session, but will not be held responsible for any accidental injury to the child associated with normal childhood play or loss of or property damage.
All personal information collected by The Forest School is confidential and will only be used for the purpose of establishing and maintaining records held by The Forest School.Personal information will only be released or made available to another education or health professional with prior consent from the childs parents.
Held information will be available to you at any time and you will be allowed to correct it in accordance with the Privacy Act.
The Forest School reserves the right to gather data and keep case studies in relation to progress and achievement. The Forest School reserves the right to use this material in any publications and/or marketing. No real student names will be used in any public forums where progress and achievement are shared.
PHOTOS AND INTERNET- One Day School & Holiday Club
The Forest School reserves the right to take photos and/or video of activities and children participating in those activities for documentation, data collection, promotional and publicity purposes. By enrolling at The Forest School, you give consent for photos and/or video to be taken of your child, unless otherwise instructed during your enrolment via Enrolmy or by email. If you do not want your child to appear in any photos andor video, you must state this by updating your Enrolmy account or by writing and emailing it to: The Forest School - info@theforestschool.co.nz.
CHILDRENS ACT 2014- One Day School & Holiday Club
The Forest School has followed the necessary procedures as outlined in Page 6 of the Childrens'Act to ensure that all employees are suitable to be childrens workers and that no child will be put in a vulnerable position or at risk. In the case of contractors or other personnel being present at The Forest School, any companies employed to complete any contract work that may be working in close proximity of children, will be required to provide evidence of suitability to work in, on or around a premises which has children present.
Any parent or volunteer at The Forest School will be requested to comply with The Forest School procedures in line with the Childrens' Act 2014. If a background check including a police check has not been obtained then volunteers will not be left alone with any child.
DISCLAIMER- One Day School & Holiday Club
By registering your child/enrolling, you confirm to have read, understood and agree to these Terms and Conditions.
The Forest School reserves the right to cancel or withdraw any childs enrolment where the Terms and Conditions have not been complied with.
If fees are unpaid/overdue beyond a 4 week period, your child will automatically be withdrawn from the roll. An additional 2 weeks will be charged from the date of withdrawal to cover administration.
A payment plan request for unpaid/overdue fees will be considered on a case by case basis.
Failure to pay any outstanding fees will be transferred directly to a third party collection agency.
CONSENT TO ACTIVITY- One Day School & Holiday Club
Consent to participate at The Forest School
That all reasonable measures have been taken to mitigate hazards and a duty of care is provided, to ensure the safety and wellbeing of my child while participating in The Forest School programme activities.
I understand that there are risks associated with learning outdoors that cannot be reduced to zero. I know I can ask The Forest School Directors or any staff any questions, to gain a better understanding of the activities before deciding whether my child takes part.
I understand that The Forest School has taken all reasonable and practicable steps to ensure my childs safety; including robust Health and Safety systems and processes.
I understand that The Forest School will give clear boundaries, and instructions and communicate the expectations while my child participates in the activities. If my child acts outside of the instructions given to them, then I acknowledge they do so at their own risk and they may be instructed to leave the programme or activity.
I have received enough information to make an informed decision about The Forest School, the philosophy of learning and the nature of the activities that my child is about to participate in.
I understand that should a medical emergency arise, The Forest School will contact me or my childs nominated carer immediately and will communicate accordingly. Following this, instigate all necessary medical assistance and treatment that may be required. If no contact can be made with me or my childs nominated carer, I understand the First Aid qualified person on staff will determine appropriate treatment/care and will all medical advice given to them.
I understand that photos and videos of participants at The Forest School may occasionally be used for marketing purposes and/or publicity material. The Forest School has my permission to use any images of my child, unless, in writing, I specifically request otherwise.
I understand that The Forest School is participating in educational research and that anecdotal evidence and examples of the programme may be used in this research. I understand that specific names and details of children and families will not be recorded, unless in specific situations where an additional request has been made and consent has been given.
I understand that a copy of The Forest School Health and Safety Management System is available to me at any time.
I understand if I have any questions about The Forest School; its programme or policies, it is my responsibility to ask a member of staff.
I have read and understand the Terms and Conditions and website information provided by The Forest School.
By registering my child, I am confirming my consent to my child participating in The Forest School programme activities.
This consent is to cover learning experiences that occur during the school day at The Forest School in Hatfields Beach and in its local community. Examples of the local learning community include, but are not limited to, on-site activities, off-site visits within walking distance of the school such as local beaches, waterways, estuaries, streams and the neighbouring farm.
All personal information requested will be held confidentially and not shared with another party. You are welcome to review information about your child at any time.