Enrolmy | TAPAC - The Auckland Performing Arts Centre - Booking Calendar for Mat Pilates (All Levels) Term 3 2024


  TAPAC - The Auckland Performing Arts Centre

Mat Pilates (All Levels) Term 3 2024

Western Springs, Auckland

Mon, 22 Jul 2024 to Sun, 29 Sep 2024

9:15am - 10:00am


About This Activity

Activity Details

The Auckland Performing Arts Centre | TAPAC, 100 Motions Road, Western Springs, Auckland

$155.00 for 10 sessions | 14 places remaining

Run by TAPAC - The Auckland Performing Arts Centre

Mat pilates is for everyone. Mat Pilates is a great way to tone and strengthen your entire body. We use body weight resistance, little equipment and stretching to have an all round class that will leave you feeling energised and strong.
Teaching Artist: Cat Fawcett-Cornes (Barreology)
Cat is a Pilates teacher based in Auckland. Cat has trained in dance since she was 5 and started Pilates as a teenager to help with strength and injury prevention. Cat is a qualified nutritionist and also teaches dance, barre and is a keen surfer. Cat loves all things health and wellness and loves to share her knowledge to help you feel your best.
“Cat is welcoming and supportive, her classes are fun so you can push through the burn and I love that she gives different options of each exercise to suit every fitness level” - Angela S

Free Trial Available

TAPAC - The Auckland Performing Arts Centre offer a free trial of this activity for anyone booking with them for the first time.

The Auckland Performing Arts Centre | TAPAC, 100 Motions Road, Western Springs, Auckland

Activity Details

What to bring

  • Yoga Mat
  • Comfortable Clothes to Move In
Booking Selector

Your Booking

This activity runs on these dates and times:

July 2024 to August 2024

  • Tuesday, 23 July 2024 (9:15am to 10:00am)
  • Tuesday, 30 July 2024 (9:15am to 10:00am)
  • Tuesday, 6 August 2024 (9:15am to 10:00am)
  • Tuesday, 13 August 2024 (9:15am to 10:00am)
  • Tuesday, 20 August 2024 (9:15am to 10:00am)

August 2024 to September 2024

  • Tuesday, 27 August 2024 (9:15am to 10:00am)
  • Tuesday, 3 September 2024 (9:15am to 10:00am)
  • Tuesday, 10 September 2024 (9:15am to 10:00am)
  • Tuesday, 17 September 2024 (9:15am to 10:00am)
  • Tuesday, 24 September 2024 (9:15am to 10:00am)

Activity fees:

Session name




Total Fees (per attendee)





No sessions have been selected.

Fees per attendee = $0.00 NZD

Terms & Conditions

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