Te Ohaka o Ngāti Hine OSCAR under the umbrella of the Ngāti Hine Health Trust and Education arm operates After School and Holiday care programs for 5-13year old tamariki. Our focus is to support the growth and development of our tamariki to learn in an inclusive kaupapa Māori environment that encourages tikanga principles; whanaungatanga, manaakitanga, tuakana-teina, kotahitanga, tika, pono, aroha and kaitiakitanga. These principles are important in building a nurturing environment for all tamariki to learn, interact and thrive.
Kaiāwhina will show passion and professionalism in their work, strive to provide endless learning opportunities that value the potential of all tamariki while responding to whanau aspirations.
Te Ohaka o Ngāti Hine is a program where “Te Tu o Ngāti Hine” is embedded into the everyday experiences of our tamariki knowing “who they are, where they come from and how they connect to the Iwi of Ngāti Hine and beyond”. Te Reo me ona Tikanga (Language and Protocol) will be interwoven into all aspects of our program.