Welcome to sKids where the safety and care of your child is our number one priority. If you are looking for a safe, structured and fun environment for your children, you have come to the right place! We are proud to offer out-of-school programmes that suit our communitys needs.
The following policies and procedures apply to the operation of sKids. Your acceptance of the terms and conditions on the online booking system confirms you understand and accept these policies and procedures. This booklet summarises the main Policies and Procedures you need to be aware of. The full Policies and Procedures document is available to view onsite at the programme.
Families and Communities
Parent participation and community involvement is encouraged at the programme. Parents are welcome to make suggestions in the development of the programme. From time to time, the programme will work in collaboration with the school community for better programme outcomes.
Cultural Diversity
sKids programmes will be mindful of cultural differences and the varying needs of the children in our care. sKids programmes will endeavour to meet specific cultural needs, as far as possible. sKids are inclusive of all races, their languages, religions and culture. We acknowledge and are respectful of all persons regardless of ethnicity. Children will be encouraged to share culturally significant events and special activities will be planned to acknowledge these events; eg, Matariki, Waitangi Day, Chinese New Year, Easter, Diwali etc. This is achieved by working with our children and their families, so we can understand what is important to them.
The online booking system is used to determine the staffing ratios for the programme each day. It is important that any additional bookings or cancellations are made with plenty of notice to maintain safe staff ratios.
Recurring Booking Full-time/Part-time
Recurring bookings are full term bookings either full time i.e. 5 days a week or part time 1-4 days a week.
Casual Booking
A casual booking is when you only require care on irregular days, or for a short period.
It is important that any additional bookings or withdrawals of part-time or full-time registrations are made with plenty of notice. If you require a change to your arrangements on the same day, please notify the programme manager or Franchisee ownerbefore 12:00 noon. We will not be held responsible for changes to bookings after 12:00 noon on the same day.
Please note: Withdrawing a regular booking of a child requires a 2 week notice period
A casual booking should be notified 24 hours prior to the day care is required. However, in an emergency situation we can accept bookings up until 12 noon on the day required.
Please remember it is your responsibility, as the parent / caregiver, to advise us immediately should any information provided on the original enrolment form change; for example, contact details, custody arrangements, medical conditions etc.
Limited Confidentiality
Please also note that the information you provide is kept confidential and only used by sKids to provide optimum care for your child. However, under the conditions of our Ministry of Social Development OSCAR Approval, assessors from MSD may access this information.
Orientation Process
Each child will undergo an orientation process when starting at a programme for the first time. This includes Holiday Care as well. Staff members will ensure the child is introduced to all of the other children and shown around the venue. Some programmes may buddy up a new child with an older child.
Signing In & Out
The parent/caregiver assigned to picking up the child(ren) must use the onsite device to sign the child(ren) out at the time of pick-up. This is for both the safety of the children and to ensure correct invoicing for the services.
Only approved persons, over the age of 14 years will be able to uplift a child as notified on the booking system or as advised by parent/caregiver on a specific day.
You will also be required to sign your child into Before School Care and Holiday Care programmes.
Early Drop off / Late Pick Up
Our programmes are open until 6:00 pm daily. Children must be picked up by this time. We have alate pick up/early drop off fine of $1.00 per minute.
Where a child has not been picked up by6pmand staff have not been notified, the staff will proceed to contact parents/caregivers and emergency contacts as per the enrolment details.At no time will a child be abandoned or taken off-site e.g. to a staff members home; however, the Programme Owner/Manager is authorised to take all necessary steps to ensure the safety and well-being of the child, therefore if, within one hour of the programme closing, there has been no contact from the parents/caregivers, the Programme Owner/Manager will contact the local police and Oranga Tamariki for advice.
Please note:
For After School Care children booked until 4pm and collected later there will be a surcharge (a late pick up fine of $1.00 per minute). .
The same applies for a holiday programme booking where a child is dropped off earlier than the booking session start time or picked up later than the booking session end time (an early drop off/late pick up fine of $1.00 per minute applies).
Accounts and Fees - Booking
Payment of Fees
For your child(ren)s safety we do not take cashpayment of fees on site
For those that wishto retain a recurring booking,payment is required two (2) weeks in advance of attendance. Shorter-term payments may be arranged by automatic payments or via internet banking directly to the programme bank account. NO refunds are given for absences and all public holidays are charged at the applicable rate for bookings normally required that day.
Casual bookingswill be invoiced after the childs attendance and must be paid on receipt of the invoice.
Fees forrecurring bookingsare to be paid in advance to secure your child(ren)s place. Any problems with the payment of fees or if a variation to the standard method of payment is required, please contact the Franchisee owner to discuss this.
Late payment may incur a finance charge of 10% and non-payment will result in notice being given of your child (ren)s enrolment being cancelled. If there are difficulties in meeting payment of fees, please contact the Franchisee owner so that alternative arrangements can be negotiated. We prefer a friendly settlement to alternative courses of action.
Any queries regarding your account or payment of fees must be made to the Franchisee owner, not to the school. The matter may be escalated to the Master Franchisee for your area or sKids National Support Office.
Late payments may be handed over to our collection agency who will actively seek all monies owed, including penalties fees and may include seeking legal redress.
The rate charged is dependent on a firm booking. When a child attends extra days, which are outside of the confirmed booking, these will be charged at the casual rate. The early pick-up rate is only payable for confirmed early pick-up bookings. Children enrolled for early pick-up but are collected later will be charged at the full session rate. Our sign-out function records real-time to verify time of pick-up.
Two weeks notice, in writing, must be providedif a child is to be withdrawn from the programme or there is a change required to the days of care, otherwise a two-week fee is payable based on the previous booking.
No Refundsare given for absences andall public holidaysare charged at the applicable rate for bookings normally required that day.
Fee Structure
You will need to confirm fees with your individual programme.
Casual Bookingswill be taken if space permits. There isno guarantee of placementfor these bookings. You will only pay for the sessions booked and attended. The rate charged is dependant on a firm booking. When a child attends extra days, which are outside of the confirmed booking, these will be charged at the casual rate. The early pick up rate is only payable for confirmed early pick up bookings.
A discount applies torecurring full-time bookings. You will be charged for all bookings including absences. Placement is guaranteed.
Please note: With a recurring booking you pay for the booking NOT the attendance.
Work and Income OSCAR Subsidies
All our programmes are OSCAR approved by the Ministry of Social Development and thus parents may be able to apply for Work and Income OSCAR subsidies towards the cost of their childcare.
Forms and further information is available from the Franchisee owner or the programme manager.
Granting of an OSCAR subsidy is between the parent and Work and Income New Zealand. sKids cannot guarantee that any parent will be approved for this, however we will assist with application as required.
Payment Disputes
Where there is a dispute over payments received or not received, sKids will provide statements to demonstrate monies received and banked. Parents will be required to provide proof that payment was made to thecorrectdesignated place.
Where this cannot be provided, the parent will be required to complete payment to sKids.
No cash payments can be accepted at the programme.
Damage to Property
Staff will take due care and responsibility regarding the structural and non-structural property and its use. Parents/caregivers may be liable for replacement costs of equipment or property damaged by their child(ren).
Wellbeing, Health and Safety
We aim to provide a healthy environment for all children in our programmes. We are in contact with a variety of organisations to advise and assist us in this area. At all times we will comply with all relevant health and safety legislation.
Where applicable, if a child has a medical condition parents must provide the programme with a Medical or Health Management Plan (Protocols sheet). This can be uploaded to the childs profile.
Code of Conduct
sKids is about providing a caring environment for your children and we wish to encourage a similar attitude amongst the children. We do not condone any form of discrimination amongst the children or adults associated with the programme.
Any issues or if you need further information please speak with the Programme Manager or the Franchisee owner in the first instance. Our staff Code of Conduct is kept in the On-Site Folder.
Behaviour Management
sKids behaviour management procedures are in line with the out-of-school-care industry approved policies and are similar to the policy of the host primary school. This is documented and available to view on site.
Our policy is to ensure our environment is a safe and happy place for everyone involved. We maintain an emphasis on being polite, considerate and co-operative. Our rules and codes of conduct, which we expect the children to follow, are regularly explained to the children. The children have input in the creation and review of programme rules and boundaries.
If we experience behavioural problems with a child we follow a process whereby if unacceptable behaviour is unchanged or escalates to become a risk to the child, other children, staff, or is damaging property, the parent will be contacted and consulted. In the first instance, a report of the child/rens behaviour will be collated. These reportsmust besigned by the parent/caregiver after each behavioural incident.
If a parent has any questions or issues with how a childs behaviour is being managed, please contact the Franchisee owner:
Do not discuss these matters with staff members while the programme is in progress.
Please note: We reserve the right to refuse or terminate a childs enrolment if there are unresolved behaviour issues.
Sick Children
If a child attending the programme becomes unwell or upset, we will contact the authorised people listed on the online booking system for them to pick up the child as soon as possible. Please keep children who are unwell at home until recovered, as we do not have the facility to look after sick children.
If a child has been booked into the programme but will not attend due to sickness, please contact the Programme Manager before 2.00pm that day.
Accidents and First Aid
At all times there is a fully stocked first-aid kit onsite. Trained staff member present on site. However, if we are concerned about a child we may call a parent to pick their child up.
If a serious accident should occur we will attend to the safety and well- being of the child first. This may mean an ambulance or other appropriate form of medical help is sought before the parent is called. We do not transport children to parents, doctors or hospitals.
All accidents and incidents are recorded in our Incident Portal.
Important notes and records of childrens administration of medication are also recorded.
Parents/caregivers will be asked to sign entries in these books confirming that they have read staff reports.
Medical Requirements
Please advise the programme of any medication that is to be administered by the programme staff. Talk through the specifics with the Programme Manager or the appropriate staff member. A permission to administer medication form must be completed by parent/caregiver.
You will also need to supply all prescription medication in its original bottle with the childs name, appropriate dosage and use by date.
Infectious Diseases
Measures will be taken by management and programme staff to control spread of infection. Hygiene practices to be followed will be from relevant health authorities. Guidelines will be put in place for children to observe a safe and healthy environment; for example, washing hands, daily cleaning, food safety, how to deal with contact with blood and body fluids and nose wiping.
Emergency Procedures
Evacuation procedures will be displayed, followed and drills practiced at least once a term and twice during each Holiday Programme. These procedures will be aligned with the policies of the host primary school.
Only bags containing medication, will be evacuated with the children. If this is relevant to your child, please inform sKids via the online booking system (eg, regular medication) and by speaking with the programme manager so that we store these bags separately. Please also ask for the policy on Children Carrying Medication and go over it with your child.
All emergency procedure drills will be recorded.
Distraught Children
Where a child is distressed or upset and indicates that they may require comforting, our staff will reassure them which may involve a short hug. Our staff will always conduct themselves in a safe, public and professional manner, but will not turn away a child that needs comforting.
Please ask for more information and or discuss with the Programme Manager if you have any questions or requests in this regard.
No Smoking
Schools are smoke free zones.
We do not allow staff, parents, visitors or others to smoke in or around the vicinity of any programme activities at any time when they are held on our programme site or within our sphere of control. There will be signs on display to remind everyone of this requirement.
All sKids services are committed to the prevention of child abuse with the safety, welfare and well-being of the children always the prime consideration. sKids National Support Office staff and programme staff will respond to suspicions of child abuse by maintaining a good relationship with the child, recording all observations, impressions and communications.
If it is deemed necessary to make an official report, advice will be sought from the appropriate authority, such as the Police or the local office of Oranga Tamariki (CYFS) in your region. Instructions given by the appropriate authority will be followed and acted upon.
Clothing & Footwear Policy
To ensure the wellbeing and safety of all children, we aim to ensure that children are always dressed appropriately and comfortably for indoor and outdoor play.
This includes:
Appropriate clothing to ensure that children are dressed for indoor and outdoor play
Summer: As outlined in the SunSmart Policy
Winter: Outdoor play is an integral part of our programme. We encourage parents to provide coats, warm jumpers and hats, so we can fully utilize our outdoor facilities
Appropriate footwear and clothing that enables children to safely run, climb and engage in experiences is encouraged
We encourage parents to pack spare clothes for children of all ages
During holiday programmes, it is important to dress your child appropriate to the activity that is on for any particular day
We encourage the use of protective clothing for messy play
Children should be changed immediately from clothing which is wet or soiled or has excessive paint, food or uncomfortable, unhygienic containments.
Parents must name all clothing, including socks and shoes
Staff will model appropriate clothing at all times
Staff display a sensitive approach to each childs comfort and their self-help attempts in getting dressed and undressed
Staff are sensitive to cultural differences in both attitudes to dress and in dressing procedures
sKids will not be held liable for any damage to clothing or footwear
For the safety of the children, we cannot accept the following to be worn at any of our programmes
Long hemmed dresses or skirts
Crop tops
Mini skirts
Footwear with heels
SunSmart Policy Terms 1 and 4
Children are required to wear hats which protect the face, neck and ears when they are outside between the months of October and April or at any time the weather conditions dictate the necessity for sun protection.
No Hat, No Play
Children without a hat are only permitted to play in supervised /allocated shaded areas. All children will provide their own hat for use at the programme. SPF 30+ Broad Spectrum sunscreen will be made available to all children and staff, but if your child requires special sunscreen please provide this and speak with staff.
Outdoor activities will endeavour to utilize shade for children and staff at all outdoor events and activities between the months of October and April or at any time weather conditions dictate the necessity for sun protection. If no shade is available, provision will be made for breaks within a shaded area.
Plenty of water will be made available for children to drink at all times.
We designate approximately 30 minutes per day for homework help and reading assistance.
We do not do the homework for the children.
If research material is required, the children will need to bring it with them. As we do not have free run of the school grounds and children are at all times supervised, they will be unable to access the school library after 3.00pm.
We are only able to help the children if we know what their homework is, that they have homework or assignment sheets and the relevant material required to complete their homework. We are not held responsible for the completion of homework, checking bags, etc., where a child insists they do not have homework.
If there are any issues regarding homework please contact the Programme Manager outside of programme hours.
If a child needs special assistance with homework, please ensure the Programme Manager is aware of this.
For breakfast/afternoon tea or other snacks within the programme time, children may be involved in the preparing and serving of food. Please see the programme menu for our healthy food options. The food is prepared using food and safety guidelines from Food Standards New Zealand.
If your child has any allergies or you do not want your child to participate, please include this in the childs details on the online booking system. All allergy conditions will be noted and considered when preparing food.
Visitors and Excursions
We will, at different times, invite a visitor to the programme to run an activity for the children. This will always be advertised in advance. If you have any objection to your child being involved, please speak with the programme manager. There will always be a staff member supervising these activities. If someone other than a parent or school representative wishes to visit the programme, this must be arranged with the programme manager.
All visitors will be asked to sign a visitor register upon arrival at the programme.
From time to time, especially during the holiday programmes, the programme manager will arrange to take children on off-site excursions. Information will be provided on the nature of the excursion and anything the children need to bring on the day e.g. togs, hats. This will be advertised on the Holiday Programme flyer and when booking online.
Lost Property
sKids staff endeavour to remind and assist children with their personal belongings. We encourage the children to take responsibility for their own belongings and we cannot accept responsibility for any items of clothing or otherwise lost or left in the school grounds. Unnamed property left on site will be handed into the school regularly to add to their lost property.
Feedback on sKids Services
Child Feedback
At the end of each term and of each holiday programme children will be asked what other activities they would like to see in the programme. Expectations will be discussed, and children will be encouraged to put forward ideas for future planning.
Comments, Compliments and Complaints
As an organisation we welcome the feedback of any parent, care giver or member of the sKids community or host of our programme. It is our intention to deliver the best service and customer satisfaction within the standards and guidelines of our service provision. Feedback forms are available for parents to make positive comments about staff members, the programme content and the enjoyment of the children.
Online feedback
sKids have an online customer feedback form on their website.
Parents/caregivers will be sent regular surveys/questions about our service and are encouraged to give us feedback on the chosen topics. We like to know what our parents/caregivers and childrens experiences with sKids have been and welcome feedback.
Complaint Procedure
Should the need arise to register a complaint with us, please notify the programme manager that there is something you wish to discuss with them or bring to their attention. This can be done verbally or in written form. A form for this purpose is available onsite at the programme. The programme manager will follow up as soon as the matter is brought to their attention outside of the programme hours.
If the matter is not resolved to your satisfaction or it is inappropriate to raise it with the programme manager in the first instance, it should be escalated to the sKids National Support Office (contact details on page 2 of this booklet).
Once a complaint has been investigated, the correct process has been followed, and a final decision made,an email of acknowledgement will be sent to the parent/caregiver finalising the incident.
Payments, Payment Arrears and Payment defaults.
Interest on overdue invoices shall accrue daily from the date when payment becomes due, until the date of payment, at a rate of two and one half percent (2.5%) per calendar month (and at SKIDSs sole discretion such interest shall compound monthly at such a rate) after as well as before any judgment.
In the event that your payment is dishonoured for any reason then you shall be liable for any dishonour fees incurred by SKIDS.
If you default in payment of any invoice when due, you shall indemnify SKIDS from and against all costs and disbursements incurred by SKIDS in pursuing the debt including legal costs on a solicitor and own client basis and SKIDSs collection agency costs.
Without prejudice to any other remedies SKIDS may have, if at any time you are in breach of any obligation (including those relating to payment) SKIDS may suspend or terminate the enrolment and is absolved of its other obligations under the terms and conditions. SKIDS will not be liable to you for any loss or damage that you may suffer because SKIDS has exercised its rights under this clause.
If any account remains overdue after thirty (30) days then an amount of the greater of twenty dollars ($20.00) or ten percent (10%) of the amount overdue (up to a maximum of two hundred dollars ($200.00)) shall be levied for administration fees which sum shall become immediately due and payable.
By enrolling you authorise SKIDS to: collect, retain and use any information about you for the purpose of assessing your credit worthiness or marketing products and services to You; and
-disclose information about you, whether collected by SKIDS from you directly or obtained by SKIDS from any other source, to any other credit provider or any credit reporting agency for the purposes of providing or obtaining a credit reference, debt collection or notifying a default by you.
Where you are an individual the authorities under this clause are authorities or consents for the purposes of the Privacy Act 1993.
You shall have the right to request from SKIDS a copy of the information about you retained by SKIDS and the right to request SKIDS to correct any incorrect information about you held by SKIDS.
I declare that I have read this document fully and that the information given above is true. I acknowledge that in order to keep my place at SKIDS that I need to keep my account up to date.
I have attached the first two weeks payment in advance.
I am aware that any default by me for the payment of outstanding fees may result in debt collection action and all costs associated with this action will be at my care.
I acknowledge that it is my responsibility to advise SKIDS immediately of any change in the above information.