sKids Programme Enrolment Terms and Conditions
These Terms and Conditions are in relation to all activities, programmes and sites operated by Skids Programme Management Ltd. For the Terms and Conditions of Programmes and sites operated by a sKids Franchisee, please refer to the Read Our Terms & Conditions Link on their ENROLMY booking page.
1. Personal details
a) We will only collect information to be used for the purposes of establishing and maintaining appropriate records required to perform our obligations under a contractual relationship with you and to comply with our legal obligations as a service provider. Information collected will be managed in accordance with the Privacy Act 2020, the Vulnerable Children’s Act 2014, The Children, Young Persons and their Families act 1989, and other relevant legislation. Information collected by sKids may be accessed by the Ministry of Social Development, relevant Government departments and other Audit organisations. You may view your child's and family’s information at any time by accessing your account via Enrolmy, and you can directly correct or update any information on your account. You may also request a copy of sKids Privacy Policy by contacting the privacy officer at or by downloading from our website.
b) We require current personal details when you create an account with sKids and at any time that you make a booking for any activity or programme. You will check all details for completeness and accuracy each time you make a booking.
c)Your contact details will also be used by sKids to provide you with information about sKids upcoming programmes, events and promotions. We also regularly seek customer satisfaction feedback by way of online surveys, this information assists us in providing the best service possible to you and your child.
d)When making a booking on a programme, you may be asked for additional information if the activity has specific requirements.
e) Your child shall not be permitted to attend any programme until all booking details are completed.
f) We reserve the right to request additional proof to verify Identification or residential address.
g) For the safety of your child, it is a requirement that we hold contact information for a minimum of three different contact people. The enrolling primary caregiver, plus two other contacts to be used as emergency contacts.
h) You must list in detail any medical conditions such as allergies, chronic illness or injuries your child has, in the child’s personal details section of your account.
i) sKids will only administer medication as provided by the primary caregiver and on receipt of a sKids approved Medical Consent Form.
j) We include children with disabilities or special needs in our programmes provided we can meet their specific needs without compromising their safety and programme safety. You will need to complete a Special Needs Assessment Form, and a trial period may be initiated. If we cannot reasonably meet than special needs of your child(ren), we may have no other option but to decline their booking in any programme or activity.
k) sKids are committed to cooperating with access and custody arrangements. If you have specific access or custody arrangements, you will list these on the Safety Form. Changes to court sanctioned access and custody arrangements, must be notified to sKids in writing before sKids will honour any changes. On request, you will supply to sKids court documentation verifying access restrictions or changes.
l)It is your responsibility to update any personal details via the secure login on Enrolmy.
2. Drop Off / Collection / Release of a child
a) Where the child is dropped off to the site or location of the activity or programme, you will sign the child in on the site device or sign in/out sheets.
b) For activities or programmes when the child is picked up, you will collect your child and sign the child out on the site device or sign in / out sheets.
c)sKids will not release your child to any person not listed as an authorised pickup person on the child’s account. It is your responsibility to ensure that the list of people authorised to collect your child is up to date and includes those who would be picking up your child on a regular or casual basis.
d)We reserve the right to ask for Photo ID of any person who presents to collect your child.
e) We reserve the right to refuse to release a child into the care of any person who presents to sKids under the influence of alcohol and / or drugs, or who sKids reasonably believes presents an immediate danger to the safety or welfare of the child. sKids will immediately seek police assistance in such an event.
3. Absences / Booking Changes / Booking Cancellations
Reporting of Absences is required to ensure the safety of your child on programme. If a child is booked in and programmes are not informed of an absentee, parents will incur a no-show fee of $25. To avoid no-show fees, parents will need to inform the programme of absentees at least 30 mins prior to the session starting on the afternoon in question. Programme staff must be informed of absentees either via text message to the site/programme mobile, or via the site/programme email.
Please do not call the 0800 number, nor advise via email to any other skids email address. If your child is absent without notification, and we are unable to contact you, the police will be contacted as per our standard missing child procedure.
a) Before School Programmes: If your child will be absent from the programme, you must communicate this to the programme manager before 7am on the day of the absence.
b) Holiday Programmes: if your child will be absent from the programme, you must communicate this to the programme manager before 8.30am on the day of the absence.
c) If your child is absent due to sickness where a medical certificate is supplied, we will credit the charges for the affected days.
Booking Changes:
Changes to bookings can impact our staffing rosters and available resources, therefore.
d) To swap a booked day or programme session for another day, the request must be received by Customer Service in writing to [][/email], at least 24hrs before the start of the booked session. Note, if the session is booked for a Monday, notice must be received before the corresponding programme time on the prior Friday. If the correct notice is not received, you will be charged for the original booking. Please note, onsite staff are unable to authorise credits.
Booking Cancellations:
Booking cancellations impact our staffing and resourcing costs, therefore.
e) To cancel a booking and not be charged, or to receive a credit. Notice must be received by Customer Service, in writing to [][/email], at least 3 working days before the start of the booked session. Note, if the session is booked for a Monday, notice must be received before the corresponding programme time on the prior Wednesday. If the correct notice is not received, you will be charged for the original booking. Please note, onsite staff are unable to authorise credits. Credits issued in respect of cancelled bookings will remain valid for a period of one year after which they will lapse.
4. Cancelled or Merged Programmes
a) In the event that a programme is cancelled by sKids, or merged with another sKids programme at an alternative site, for any reason, the following options will be provided:
I. The option to transfer your booking to the alternative site,
ii. The option to transfer your booking to a different sKids programme,
iii. Cancellation of your booking and a credit issued against your account.
Iv. Cancellation of your booking and a full refund provided.
5. Fees and Payments
a) Programme costs and fees will be detailed as part of the booking process. Fees are as advertised but are subject to change periodically.
b) Programme costs for regular bookings are calculated based on firm, regular, booked days. Additional days required will be charged at the current casual rates.
c)sKids may offer once-off or continuing discounts on our programmes based on booking types, payment types and eligibility. These discounts are at the discretion of sKids and may change periodically or be withdrawn from future programmes. sKids offer no guarantee that future bookings will attract discounts previously provided. Where a booking may be eligible for multiple discounts, the highest discount only will be applied.
d)Payments can be made online at the time of booking, direct into our bank account, or by Credit Card. sKids will not accept cash or cheques at sites.
e) Payments made by credit card at the time of booking will incur credit card and merchant fees. These will be displayed prior to you completing the payment.
f) Unless notified otherwise payments will be allocated to the oldest outstanding booking at the time payment.
g) Invoices are sent to your ENROLMY parent dashboard on a weekly basis. To view your invoices/ payments or any enrolment information, log in to your ENROLMY account. +
h) If you are applying for a WINZ subsidy, you must provide us with your WINZ customer number. sKids will assist you in your WINZ subsidy application, however, you acknowledge that the responsibility of the booking and the fees incurred are your sole legal responsibility, and payment of all non-subsidised portion of the fees are to be paid before the programme commences. Furthermore, outstanding fees resulting from a declined application by WINZ, are your sole responsibility to pay.
i) The caregiver making the booking is solely responsible to sKids for the payment of programme fees. sKids will not enter, nor become party to a split booking / payment arrangements between caregivers.
j) Your account must be always kept up to date, and sKids reserves the right to cancel your child’s booking or refuse re-enrolment until either any outstanding balances are paid, or a payment plan is entered into with sKids.
k) sKids may refer any outstanding amounts to a debt collection agency, if repeated requests for payment have been unsuccessful. Any additional collection costs will be added to the outstanding balance.
l) An Early drop-off or late pickup charge of $1 per minute, will be charged after an initial 5-minute grace period. Short sessions will automatically be changed to and charged at the long session, if the extra time exceeds 15 minutes.
m) Other than as stated in clause 4 under Absences and Booking Cancellation above, no refunds or credits are given for absences, and all public holidays and Teacher only days are charged at the applicable rate for permanent bookings that would normally fall on that day.
n) sKids reserve the right to postpone or substitute any activity, activity location, transport mode or programme to ensure the well-being of both participants and the programme in general. We will always endeavour to make suitable alternative arrangements and communicate this to you at the earliest opportunity. If a sKids programme or activity is cancelled, a credit or refund will be provided.
6. Health and Safety
a) In the event of a minor injury or illness, sKids staff will provide First Aid and notify you as soon as possible. (Minor injuries may include but are not limited to; minor cuts, abrasions, soft tissue injuries, bumps and bruises). If the situation is more serious, an ambulance will be called before parent notification. sKids will only transport children to an A&E, if the situation requires urgent medical care and transporting to an A&E is the more practical and appropriate response than waiting for an Ambulance. Whilst the child is on a sKids programme, the decision to seek external medical care rests solely with the sKids staff. Skids will not be liable for any costs incurred in seeking medical attention, such as doctors’ fees.
b) sKids staff will notify the parent of any head injury sustained by your child, regardless of severity.
c)All accidents and incidents are recorded in detail on all programmes and are reviewed by authorised senior staff for training and process improvement purposes.
d)Children will be required to apply sunblock during summer, before playing outside. Children who refuse to apply sunblock, may be restricted from playing outside.
e) If your child is suspected of having any potentially infectious illness such as, but not limited to; Measles, chickenpox or COVID-19 or experiences diarrhoea or vomiting, you agree to withdraw them from the programme until they are medically fit to return. You also agree to immediately notify us if an infectious illness is confirmed. sKids reserve the right to ask for a medical clearance certificate before allowing the child to return to programme.
f) Where you have provided an approved Medical Consent Form, sKids staff will administer the provided medication exactly to the dosage as stated on the medical consent form. Staff will formally record each time a medication is administered. If the medication is to be ceased or changed, a new Medical Consent Form must be received by sKids.
g) Where a child has medication that needs to be self-administered, such as an asthma inhaler or epi-pen, you must provide to sKids a Self-Medication Form. sKids must be provided with the medication to be locked away until required. The child will be supervised whilst self- administering. It is important to note, that sKids cannot access any medications held on the child’s behalf by the school. sKids must be supplied separately.
h) sKids programmes have a detailed child protection policy, which includes the reporting of any suspected child abuse to Oranga Tamariki and / or the police. The child protection policy is displayed and available at each of our sites and on our website.
i) Transport of children on day trips during Holiday Programmes is undertaken via a reputable commercial bus company. You will provide consent at the time of booking a sKids day trip. Transport of children from schools to an After School Programme will be either by a reputable commercial bus company or by a skids approved staff member who holds an appropriate current licence, and will be driving a recognisable skids vehicle. For further information, please refer to the Excursions section of the Parent Information booklet.
j) Every sKids site maintains an onsite Hazard Register, which you can request to sight at any time. sKids operate under a strict process of identifying and eliminating or minimizing hazards as well as reporting and investigating incidents of all severities.
k) At times, activities may be delivered by an authorised Third-Party provider whose operations have been reviewed by sKids and in some instances, external safety auditors.
l)Participation in some activities may be restricted based on medical, physical or other conditions regarding the safe operation of the activity or impact on the child(ren) involved.
m)As sKids programmes include the provision of food, as well as baking and cooking activities, sKids staff undergo food handling safety certification. In addition, all sites comply with the NZ Food Act 2014 and are annually audited by external auditors for compliance with our Food Control Plan. Although sKids will make every practical effort to ensure all risk of cross-contamination is minimised, we cannot guarantee an allergy free environment.
n) In a civil emergency, where it is safe to do so, all programme staff and children will remain at the collection site for the duration until all children are collected. If the children must be moved to a safer location, caregivers will be notified by programme staff via phone or phone messaging.
o) In the event that the location of the site goes into shut down due to an imminent threat to safety, staff will follow the instructions of the lead emergency service agency and will not release children for collection until expressly advised by the lead agency that it is safe to do so.
p) sKids will follow all Public Health Measures as issued by the Ministry of Health from time to time in response to any Contagious Disease outbreak, Epidemic or Pandemic, including but not limited to COVID-19 and its variants. To ensure the continued safety of all participants and staff, sKids reserve the right to modify or cancel any activity or programme in response to a Ministry of Health Exposure Notification or other Public Health Mandate. For further information about sKids COVID-19 Protection Framework see:
7. Photographic and Video Images
a) You agree to sKids taking a head shot photo of your child for our records expressly for the purpose of ease of identification by sKids staff, unless, during the enrolment process, you have expressly denied this permission.
b) You agree that sKids approved staff may take photos of the children engaged in the ordinary activities of the programme, and their work, for the purpose of training, marketing and promotional activities, unless, during the enrolment process, you have expressly denied this permission.
c)You hereby give consent for sKids to use images selected for the purpose of marketing via printed or digital formats, including social media platforms, unless, during the enrolment process, you have expressly denied this permission.
8. Exclusions
a) If a child’s behaviour is impacting the safety within any of our programmes, we reserve the right to remove the child permanently after following our Behaviour Management Policy requirements. The Behaviour Management Policy is displayed and available at each location and on our website.
b) If a child is on a Behaviour Management Plan, and breaches the provisions of the plan, it may result in your child immediately being excluded from the activity or programme until the matter has been resolved.
c)If your child is excluded, you will need to arrange for your child to be collected as soon as possible from the activity or programme.
d)If a parent, caregiver or authorised collection person of a child, demonstrates behaviour that is impacting the safety of our staff, the children or the sKids programme in general, we reserve, at our sole discretion, the right to refuse or rescind the enrolment of your child effective immediately.
9. Social media-based Competitions
a) From time to time, sKids will run competitions and/or promotions on various social media sites, including but not limited to, Facebook and Instagram. These competitions and promotions are in no way sponsored, endorsed, administered by or associated with Facebook, Instagram or any other social media platform provider utilised.
10. Complaints
a) We welcome all feedback, positive and critical. A copy of our complaint procedure is displayed and available at each site as well as accessible on our website.
11. Disclaimer
a) sKids police vet and train all our staff. We endeavour to provide the best and most practical degree of supervision and engagement towards all children enrolled in our programmes. However, neither sKids nor any employee or contractor shall be held personally liable in respect of any consequence resulting from any act or omission arising from any activity or programme, where all reasonable and practical steps are deemed to have been taken in accordance with our policies and the appropriate NZ legislations.
b) sKids will not be held liable for the loss or damage of personal items in your child’s possession.
c)Any repairs or replacement costs associated to material damage caused by a child to sKids resources, property or to any site property that sKids operates from, will be met by the child’s caregiver and the cost will be added to the caregiver’s account.
d)By acknowledging these Terms and Conditions, and subsequently, completing the enrolment of your child onto a sKids programme, you confirm all details provided are true and correct, that you have read and understood these Terms and Conditions and agree to adhere to these and all our policies and procedures. Our policies and procedures manual are available at each of our sites for you to view at any time. Further, you acknowledge that if you breach any of the Terms and Conditions as listed herein, sKids may suspend or terminate the enrolment and will be immediately absolved of all other obligations under the terms and conditions. sKids will not be liable to you for any loss, damage or associated costs that you may suffer due to sKids exercising its rights under this clause.
FOOTER: Last updated 21st January 2025