By agreeing to the terms and conditions you confirm you have read and explained the code of conduct to your child/ren. They understand what is expected of them as a player and team member. Failure to adhere to these terms and conditions may result in them being stood down from the team and no refund will be applicable.
1. I will attend all team practices. If I am unable to attend due to illness or other
reasons, then I will notify my coach before the intended practice. Whenever
possible, injured players can still attend practices to observe.
2. I will attend all competition games. If I am unable to attend, I will ring my
coach/manager at least 24 hours before the game time. Injured players, if
possible, must be at games to support their team.
3. I will show respect and support for the coach, manager, umpires, opposition
and fellow team members at all times.
4. I will play within the rules of the game at all times and adhere to the Fair Play
5. I will refrain from using language that is unacceptable.
6. I will wear the sports uniform in the correct manner at all times.
7. I will return my issued uniform on the specified date, clean and undamaged. If
not, I am aware that I will be charged fully for repair or replacement, or may
forfeit any bond.
I understand that if I fail to comply with the above Code of Conduct during my
time with Saints United then I may be withdrawn from any team after consultation with my coach, parents, Principal, and Saints United Committee.
Payments/ Fees.
The fees charged are to cover team entries, sporting equipment, Saints enrolmy subscription and a $10 administration fee. This fee is subject to change keeping inline with the cost of living.
Payments are to be made by the date on the invoice. Failure to do so will result in the player being stood down until full payment has been made.
Any refunds due to non play because of injury will be minus $10 administration fee.
Coaches / Managers
We cannot submit teams with out a coach or manager. These roles have to be for filled by parents, carers, family members etc who are willing to volunteer there time. With out both a team can not play. Please bear this in mind when registering your child/ren to play.
Team placements
Team placements are non negational. With the numbers of players drastically increasing it is not always possible to ensure every child is playing in the team they may want to. Best efforts will be made to accommodate the players where we can. Please remember to be kind when this cant be achieved.
Updated 19/02/2023