It is important that we are fully informed of any child with additional needs so we can support them in the best way possible. The best way to do this is via the online booking and registration and a call/email to our Head Office. If your child requires 1 to 1 support, we need as much notice as possible in order for you to contact your Local Authority to apply for funding. Progressive Kids Bristol are unfortunately unable to provide internal 1:1 support.
Prior to confirming your booking, please call our office on 07946656332 where you will be provided with a SEN enquiry form. Once we have received this, we will be able to take the next steps in putting support in place for your child at our provision.
We cannot accept children under the age of four to any of our Clubs/Holiday camps. If a child is suspected to not meet the above, we reserve the right to request proof of age. We also reserve the right to refuse entry and/or ask the child/children to be collected immediately, no refund/credit will be available.
Progressive Kids Bristol staff are not trained in personal care or expected to be involved in any areas of personal care or toileting. Where young children may have ‘accidents’ parents should inform Progressive Kids Bristol staff during the booking process and devise a plan for such eventualities and how they will be dealt with Children who are not toilet trained and/or in pull-ups/nappies cannot be assisted in any toileting by our staff.
In general, the principal in these circumstances will be that staff verbally support the child to clean themselves. Therefore it is expected that parents/carers will have trained their children to be clean and dry by the time they arrive at any Progressive Kids Bristol provision, this is unless children are attending an Early Years specific provision/venue, and in this instance, parents should advise us of any personal care support required (nappy changing, support with toileting, regular ‘accidents’) prior to booking.
Progressive Kids Bristol are fully inclusive. The needs of each child vary greatly, we aim to support all children giving them access to the same opportunities to enjoy our services. It is important that we are fully informed of any child with additional needs, whether that be behavioural, medical or physical so we can try and support them in the best way possible. We ask that you make us aware of these needs by notifying us when registering online and by contacting our office team before placing your booking. We do not offer 1 to 1 support as standard service. Please refer to section 1. SEN AND INCLUSION for further details.
Progressive Kids Bristol are a payment upfront booking service unless a monthly Direct Debit payment plan is agreed with the office. Should you intend to make monthly payments via another payment method, the office can be contacted at office@progressivekidsbristol.com
It is the parent’s sole responsibility to make sure they request payment from their Bank/Childcare voucher / Tax Credit Provider as soon as the booking is made. You may be required to provide proof of the requested payment where necessary.
Booking completion confirms your acceptance of the terms and conditions. The named person on the booking confirmation accepts the booking conditions on behalf of all on the booking form.
We at Progressive Kids Bristol like to be as approachable and helpful as we can be with cancellations. We have the following policies for our Extra Curriculum Clubs, Wraparound Care and Holiday Clubs.
We are more than happy to make any amendment to your booking with 48 hours notice.
Should your child not be able to attend a session due to sickness or injury, we require a valid doctor’s note for a credit/transfer. This is due to staffing and resource levels being pre-arranged.
• More than 2 weeks’ notice = full refund
• 2 weeks to 48 hours’ notice = credit/transfer
• Less than 48 hours’ notice = no refund or credit available
Extra Curriculum Clubs
All our Extra Curriculum Clubs are pre-paid at the start of the term. Therefore, we are unable to provide any credit/transfer or refund for missed sessions, including sickness.
*Please note any tax free or childcare vouchers cannot be refunded and will only be issued as credit*
Any sessions booked after the cut off time (4 hours before the activity is due to start), will incur an admin charge of £2 per booking.
Progressive Kids Bristol operate on a strict pre-booking system. If a booking is not made, entry will be refused if the child has not attended before. If a booking is note made and the child has attended previously, a £3 charge will incur.
Progressive Kids Bristol reserve the right to cancel any course 24hrs before it commences due to insufficient bookings.
Please ensure that children do not bring valuable toys and/or belongings with them as we cannot be held responsible if they go missing or are broken. We cannot guarantee the return of lost property but will endeavour to return items on request that we are able to identify. Any lost property will be returned to our Head Office in Downend, Bristol and parents will be required to pay the cost of postage or collect.
Progressive Kids Bristol will keep lost property for a period of four weeks only. If it is left unclaimed after this period has expired, Progressive Kids Bristol will distribute the lost property to local charities.
From time to time we take photographs and videos at our venues which may be used for marketing and promotional purposes. If you would rather your child was not included in any photographs or videos, you must not agree to photo consent when booking. These photos/videos are often posted on our social media for parents to view.
When booking, you must provide two emergency contact details and relevant medical information, allergies, additional needs and dietary restrictions regarding your child. If full information is not provided this may result in that child being excluded from certain activities, or if it felt necessary, excluded from using Progressive Kids Bristol. In such circumstances, no refund or credit will be paid. Progressive Kids Bristol reserve the right to cancel a booking at any time where there has been a failure to provide full information about a child. If your child requires 1 to 1 care, please refer to section 1. SEN AND INCLUSION.
Your arrival time must not be before your selected booking start time. This will result in refusal of entry, unless there is an earlier booking slot available, and then you are required to call the main office to change the booking and pay for extra time, before entry will be granted.
Progressive Kids Bristol reserve the right to charge a fee or issue a ban for late collection of any children. If a child/child is collected after the allocated collection time identified on the booking, the below policy will apply:
Our Late collection policy is as follows:
We understand lateness can happen on occasion, but we do have to stress that we discourage late collections in all instances.
Penalties apply to cover the overtime cost of the Coach and Supervisor to stay until collection.
10 minutes late: £15 (or extended to the late session where applicable)
Every 10 minutes after this: £10
This balance will be charged to the account and must be paid to continue attending the sessions.
If lateness occurs often, a ban on the childcare account may occur.
Progressive Kids Bristol staff have a duty to respond if they suspect a child in their care may be suffering from abuse, or if a child makes a disclosure about abuse. In this event, the relevant staff will follow the Safeguarding Children’s Policy as detailed in our policies and procedures.
Progressive Kids Bristol ratio of staff to children normally exceeds all statutory requirements. The actual ratio varies between activities and age groups. 1:15 Wraparound care, 1:16 Extra Curricular Clubs, 1:15 Active Camps.
We always endeavour to group children within our advertised age groups, however, due to a regulatory requirement to maintain staff to child ratio’s, dependant on the actual ages of the children attending on the day, we reserve the right to group children differently to that advertised.
Progressive Kids Bristol does not accept liability for personal injury or death of any participants unless directly caused by the proven negligence of the company or its servants.
The cost of any damage caused by you or any participant you have booked onto any Progressive Kids Bristol provision, to any property or facilities will be passed on to you, the booking parent/carer.
All children in our care are covered by our Public Liability Insurance.
Progressive Kids Bristol reserves the right to exclude or refuse any person without notice, if we consider that their presence compromises the good atmosphere of the club (for example through behaviour). Transport home will be the responsibility of the parent and no refund/credit will be available.
Please see our behaviour and exclusion policies for more details.
Progressive Kids Bristol reserves the right to amend its services and activity programme, content, times, dates and venue in the event of unsuitable weather conditions, failure of equipment, building faults and any other operational faults that may arise from time to time, and will communicate any changes to bookings accordingly and refunds/credit notes will be issued if applicable.
Copies of Progressive Kids Bristol policies and procedures are available at the activity venue or will be sent to parents on request.
If any Progressive Kids Bristol club is forced to close due to the compulsory closure of its premises by order of a competent authority (e.g. School, Local Authority, Environmental Health etc), due to bad weather (e.g. Snow, Ice, Flood etc), outbreak of a human infectious or contagious condition (e.g. Influenza, Meningitis), Industrial Action (teaching strike etc) or for any other reason, customers will be communicated with accordingly and, where appropriate, alternative childcare provision will be offered.
Progressive Kids Bristol are committed to providing high quality childcare. We take ALL complaints very seriously. If you or your child are not satisfied with the service we provide we would like to know about it. Any complaint should be made to our Head Office on 07946656332 or office@progressivekidsbristol.com we will do everything possible to ensure the complaint is dealt with as quickly and effectively as possible. If you feel that the outcome of the complaint is insufficient or would like to take the grievance further the complaint should be made in writing and sent to: Managing Director, Progressive Kids Bristol, 10 Badminton Road, Upper Floor Office, BS16 BQ
In the unlikely event that you are not 100% satisfied with the outcome of the complaints procedure, you may wish to contact the Ofsted Early Years Complaints Helpline on 0300 123 4666, or write to their Regional Office at www.ofsted.gov.uk/contactus
Progressive Kids Bristol acts as a Data Controller for the purpose of the Data Protection Act 1998. As a requirement, we need to collect relevant personal details from you and the children you are booking to enable us to process your booking. This information includes names, ages, emergency contact details, any applicable medical or dietary restrictions and in some cases credit/debit card or other payment details. We hold and use some of your details for future marketing purposes such as sending you promotional information via email address provided. We do not sell or pass on your data to any third party.
Should Progressive Kids Bristol feel that the behaviour of any child is found to compromise the safety of the session or the enjoyment of other children, Progressive Kids Bristol reserve the right to issue a Ban for poor behaviour of any children without notice.
These Terms and Conditions (and your booking) shall be governed by and interpreted in accordance with English law and subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the English courts.
Last updated: June 2024
Due for review: June 2025