Forest & Farm Programme
Terms & Conditions
Last reviewed & updated: April 2024
Please read the following Terms and Conditions carefully before enrolling your child into our programme. By enrolling your child in our programme and submitting the enrolment form, you do so in full agreement with the following legally binding Terms and Conditions.
1. Programme Structure (Term Programme Only)
We are an independent organisation. We are not required to register through MOE, as we are not a school. However, our programme is run by qualified and New Zealand-registered teachers.
The Ministry have advised us that our programme falls under the New Zealand Education Act section 25B, Release from school: The principal of a State school may, if satisfied that a student will receive outside the school tuition acceptable to the principal, release the student from attendance at the school, for a period or periods agreed with a parent of that student, to receive the tuition.
We do encourage that you set up a time to chat with your childs principal. We have a letter on our website with information for you to take to your principal. We aim to work in partnership with your childs school and to show how we can complement what they do to benefit your child. If you are having any problems with this process or need any support, please contact us and we will be more than happy to assist.
2. Bookings & Payments - Term Programme
2024 term programme fees are as follows:
$20.00 non-refundable administration fee
$800.00 for 10-week term or $720.00 for 9-week term
We have the following sibling discounts available:
15% off for a second childs fees with a full paying first child.
20% off a third childs fees with a full paying first child.
Weekly/fortnightly instalments are an option. You will need to show proof that you will be making automatic payments.
We accept credit card, cash, and internet banking. A receipt may be issued on request.
Bookings do not automatically roll over each term a new booking must be made at the start of each term. Existing enrolments will have first priority over new enrolments.
When your child is enrolled in our programme, a full one-term commitment is required as their place is booked for the entire term, and our programme is staffed according to these numbers your childs spot cannot be filled by another child if you choose not to attend a session.
If payment/first instalment is not received by the beginning of the term or due date of the first invoice, then your childs place will be void and it will be offered to another child on the waiting list.
All sessions are booked using our online platform (Enrolmy).
We have a maximum number of children allowed per day, and this varies depending on the programme. If our programmes are full, there is the option for your child to be placed on our waiting list.
We reserve the right to change our fees at any time for any reason, but, whenever possible, we will give you at least two weeks' advance notice of such change.
3. Bookings & Payments - Pop-Up Programme
2024 pop-up programme fees are $80.00 per child, per day.
Credit card payments must be made to confirm your booking for our holiday programme.
All sessions are booked using our online platform (Enrolmy).
We have a maximum number of children allowed per day, and this varies depending on the programme. If our programmes are full, there is the option for your child to be placed on our waiting list.
We reserve the right to change our fees at any time for any reason, but, whenever possible, we will give you at least two weeks' advance notice of such change.
4. Bookings & Payments - Holiday Programme
2024 holiday programme fees are $80.00 per child, per day.
Credit card payments must be made to confirm your booking for our holiday programme.
All sessions are booked using our online platform (Enrolmy).
We have a maximum number of children allowed per day, and this varies depending on the programme. If our programmes are full, there is the option for your child to be placed on our waiting list.
We reserve the right to change our fees at any time for any reason, but, whenever possible, we will give you at least two weeks' advance notice of such change.
5. Cancellations & Refunds - Term Programme
It is important that you are fully committed to your child attending each week, as we value building strong relationships with your child, so they feel comfortable and have a sense of belonging. We also need to know who will be attending in advance so we can keep ratios in order.
If you decide to withdraw your child from our programme, you must give the appropriate notice of one (1) week, in writing, before the commencement of the first session of the term, and a full refund (minus any applicable credit card fee) will be issued to you.
If you decide to withdraw your child from Natures Den in the middle of the term, you must give the appropriate notice of (1) week, in writing before the next session, and a 50% refund of the remaining term fees will be given. If you are paying instalments, 50% of the remaining instalments will need to be paid.
Our sessions will continue to run in all weather conditions except those that pose high risk, such as severe thunderstorms/high winds. If we have to cancel a programme due to severe weather conditions, you will be notified as soon as possible and will be credited an extra day.
In the unlikely event that a session has to be cancelled due to staffing issues such as illness or other unforeseen circumstances, you will be notified as soon as possible and will be given a credit day.
Refunds will not be given for children who are sent home or removed from the programme due to behaviour that may endanger themselves and others. If your child wilfully breaks the rules around health and safety, or becomes threatening, aggressive, or a risk to themselves or others, we reserve the right to prevent the situation from escalating and protect those involved.
6. Cancellations & Refunds - Pop-Up Programme
If you decide to withdraw your child from our programme more than (1) week before the first day of your booking, a 90% refund will be issued to you. This is to cover the administration costs associated with a change-of-mind.
If a booking is cancelled less than (1) week before the booked day, a 75% refund will be issued to you. This is to cover the administration costs associated with a change-of-mind.
If a booking is cancelled (48) hours or less before the booked day, or there is failure to attend, no refund will be given. You will still be charged the full daily rate.
Our sessions will continue to run in all weather conditions except those that pose high risk, such as severe thunderstorms/high winds. If we have to cancel a programme due to severe weather conditions, you will be notified as soon as possible and will be credited an extra day or given a refund.
In the unlikely event that a session has to be cancelled due to staffing issues such as illness or other unforeseen circumstances, you will be notified as soon as possible and will be given a credit day or a refund.
Refunds will not be given for children who are sent home or removed from the programme due to behaviour that may endanger themselves and others. If your child wilfully breaks the rules around health and safety, or becomes threatening, aggressive, or a risk to themselves or others, we reserve the right to prevent the situation from escalating and protect those involved.
7. Cancellations & Refunds - Holiday Programme
If you decide to withdraw your child from our programme more than (1) week before the first day of your booking, a 90% refund will be issued to you. This is to cover the administration costs associated with a change-of-mind.
If a booking is cancelled less than (1) week before the booked day, a 75% refund will be issued to you. This is to cover the administration costs associated with a change-of-mind.
If a booking is cancelled (48) hours or less before the booked day, or there is failure to attend, no refund will be given. You will still be charged the full daily rate.
Our sessions will continue to run in all weather conditions except those that pose high risk, such as severe thunderstorms/high winds. If we have to cancel a programme due to severe weather conditions, you will be notified as soon as possible and will be credited an extra day or given a refund.
In the unlikely event that a session has to be cancelled due to staffing issues such as illness or other unforeseen circumstances, you will be notified as soon as possible and will be given a credit day or a refund.
Refunds will not be given for children who are sent home or removed from the programme due to behaviour that may endanger themselves and others. If your child wilfully breaks the rules around health and safety, or becomes threatening, aggressive, or a risk to themselves or others, we reserve the right to prevent the situation from escalating and protect those involved.
8. Absences
If your child is absent from our programme due to illness, school camps, sports events, holidays, etc. no refund will be given as your childs place has already been reserved for the day and you are still required to commit and pay the fee for that day.
However, in the event of severe illness/injury and/or hospitalisation, a refund or credit day may be considered at the discretion of Natures Den. A medical certificate will need to be provided.
A refund or credit day may be given due to absence for important circumstances, such as family bereavement. This is at the discretion of Natures Den.
It is your responsibility to communicate an absence as soon as possible.
9. Credit Days
Credit days are given in circumstances such as those mentioned above.
Credit days are valid for (6) months from the date they are issued. You will receive an email before each school holiday notifying you if you have a credit day to use and inviting you to use it for the holiday programme or the following term.
If your credit is due to expire in the next (7) days, you will receive an email notifying you of this and inviting you to book into one of our programmes. The credit does not have to be used by the expiry date, but it does need to be booked into a programme by that date.
10. Welfare & Safety
The wellbeing and safety of all children that attend Natures Den is of paramount importance. We regularly run through our safety expectations with our students, including around use of tools, caring for the environment, and acceptable behaviours.
Natures Dens procedures comply with all relevant legislation and professional standards, including the Health and Safety at Work Act 2015 (HSWA). Natures Den is responsible for ensuring that all safety procedures are up-to-date and meet the requirements set out by applicable Health and Safety Regulations and are adhered to at all times.
All locations used by Natures Den will be subject to a risk assessment to identify potential hazards and safety issues.
If accidents/incidents occur, Natures Den will take all practical steps to understand why it happened and to learn from this to prevent it from happening again.
Natures Den will ensure that the programme is safe; that parents and appropriate authorities are kept informed of accidents and illnesses where appropriate; and that appropriate records are kept in order to meet legislative requirements.
Natures Den will endeavour in their duty of care to the child but will not be held responsible for any injury to the child or loss of or damage to a childs belongings.
Our Health and Safety Policy and Risk Management Plan is available on request.
11. Privacy Act
Natures Den will treat all personal information, such as details of children and families, as confidential.
All information collected by us will only be used for the purpose of establishing and maintaining records held by Natures Den and will not be released or made available to any other person or organisation without your prior consent.
You are permitted to view our policies and procedures, including our risk management plans, upon request.
You have the right upon enrolment to not give consent to your child having their photograph or name on our website, newsletters, and social media. This option is given in our enrolment form.
12. Children With Additional Needs
Natures Den makes every effort to include children with additional needs.
Parents/caregivers must specify and explain any additional learning needs before enrolling their child. This information can be recorded on the childs enrolment form.
The programme director will assess how the childs needs may be catered for and discuss this approach with the childs parents, and other staff members. The safety of the child and other children in the programme will be a major consideration.
Children cannot be included in the programme if their behaviour or the level of supervision required compromises programme supervision and safety. The programme director may suggest a 1-day trial day before enrolling. Each case will be considered individually, and every effort will be made to include the child within the limits of the programmes resources.
The programme director will ensure that all staff and volunteers are fully aware of the childs needs and ensure that they feel confident to provide the necessary care.
13. Pick Up & Drop Off
Please note that it is your responsibility to drop off & pick up your child from the designated location at the specified time.
Children must be dropped off no earlier than 8:40am and no later than 9:10am. If children are not dropped off by 9:10am, we will be leaving the drop off point without them.
Children must be collected no later than 3:00pm. A late fee of $10.00 for every 10 minutes after 3:00pm will be applied.
Please notify us if someone other than your childs assigned parent/guardian will be picking them up.
14. Complaints
If you have any complaints about our programme or staff members, you should approach the educator who will attempt to rectify the situation.
If you are still unhappy, you may put the complaint in writing with details of the grievance and desired outcomes to the programme director.
15. Limitation Of Liability
Upon enrolment, you are required to sign a consent to participation in Natures Den Forest & Farm Programme. This consent is confirmation that you are aware of and understand the activities that take place at Natures Den and the risks associated with these activities.
At the beginning of each session, we have a morning meeting where a safety briefing is conducted. Children will be reminded of the safety rules, safe tool use, expectations, and boundaries. It is necessary for your child to follow any safety instructions at all times.
Natures Den will take all reasonable care of your child and their property during their participation in our programme but will not be responsible for any injury to the child or loss of or damage to a child's property. If a child acts outside the instructions given, they do so at their own risk and the childs parent/guardian will be informed, which may result in possible exclusion from the activity or programme. Participation in activities is actively encouraged. We promote challenge by choice and support and guide children to take considered and calculated risks.
16. Disclaimer
Through enrolling your child into Natures Den, you are confirming that you have carefully read and agree to these Terms and Conditions and give consent to your child participating in Nature's Den Forest & Farm Programme.
If your child is attending the term programme, neglecting to pay any unpaid or overdue fees beyond a 4-week period will result in a letter of withdrawal from the programme, and we will notify a debt collection agency to collect unpaid fees.
You understand that there are risks associated with your child participating and you accept that, to the extent permitted by law, the programme management and staff will not be liable for accidental injuries (and any associated losses) which can occur, especially when children engage in active play. To minimise the risk of accidents, the programme has safety procedures, including rules and boundaries for children's behaviour that will be consistently applied.
You acknowledge that Natures Den reserves the right to withdraw any child from the programme where safety rules have not been complied with.