To all new parents we wish you a warm welcome to our Out of School Care Programme. To those of you who have been with us for a while, thanks for your continued support. The following is up to date information about our programme. Please take careful note of the information included as this ensures the safety of your children while they are in our care.
Fee Payment
Fees to be paid fortnightly on invoice.
Fees can be paid in the office during office hours (9am to 4pm) or via the below methods. All fees will be receipted.
There are a number of options for payments:
EFTPOS or Cash
Internet banking or direct credit into our bank account:
GECH OSC 12-3051-0555069-03
When paying via Internet banking please include your childs name in the reference section.
If fees are 4 weeks in arrears the service will be withdrawn and all costs associated with collection of overdue fees will be at the parents expense.
If you are having problems paying the fees please contact the Supervisor a.s.a.p. to discuss the matter.
Enrolments & Personal Details
Only enrolled children will be accepted into the programme.
If you wish your child to walk to or from the programme, we need your permission for this in writing.
SHP Bookings will only be confirmed once we receive the enrolment form and the full payment is made or a WINZ application has been completed. No Refunds will be issued after the program has started.
Immediately advise the Supervisor and update 'Your Safety Form" changes to your contact details, authorized people or emergency contacts.
NB Only listed people will be permitted to collect your child/ren
All records kept by the programme are confidential. The privacy of childrens personal details will be respected at all times.
Casual Booking for BSC and ASC
Are welcome subject to availability of spaces and completed enrolment form.
If your child is not attending, this must be reported by 2pm either by text or voicemail on the day. If no notification is received, the full session fee will be charged.
School Collection Points
Check with the Supervisor as to where the school pick up point is. Be sure that your child knows where the pick up point is and understands to be there promptly after the school bell has rung, inform the school /teacher if they are new or casual attendees.
Personal Requirements/Items
Parents are to provide morning tea, lunch and a drink during the School Holiday Programme.
All children to arrive at the programme with shoes and a sun hat. It is our policy that all children must wear shoes while outside and wear a sun hat each day in summer months.
Having personal items and cell phones are not encouraged at the programme. No responsibility will be taken by the program staff if items are damaged or lost.
Attendance Records
Parents are required to sign the register each day when the child arrives (BSC / SHP) or when they are collected (ASC / SHP) from the programme.
Terminate Care
Two weeks notice must be given to terminate childcare arrangements for Before & After School Care Programmes.
Behaviour Management
To advise the supervisor of any situation which may disrupt the child/ren or other relevant conditions.
Behaviour which is consistency disruptive or harmful to others may result in exclusion from the programme after other possibilities have been explored.
Children will be supervised at all times according to the following ratio guideline:
At the venue:
1 Adult to 8 children
2 Adults to 9 Children
On excursions: 1 Adult to 8 Children
Staff will clearly explain to children the programme boundaries for indoor and outdoors, or on excursions.
Missing Children
If a child is missing, the following procedures will be followed:
Staff will conduct a thorough search. Parents will be contacted, or emergency contacts if parents are unavailable
Emergency services contacted .
Accident Procedures
Staff are qualified First Aiders. In the event of an accident: Staff will immediately inform the Supervisor.
Appropriate First Aid will be administrated
If a serious injury occurs, parents will be notified and an ambulance will be called or the injured child will be transported by van or car to the nearest A & E clinic. All cost incurred will be the parents expense
A report will be completed in the accident folder, which the parent must read and sign.
Illness & Medication
No sick children will be admitted to the programme. If a child becomes ill during the day, they will be comforted, observed, reassured by staff and parents will be notified. If a child is to be administered medication, the parents must put the information in writing (on the medication form) with times, dosage and the medicine must be clearly labelled.
Policies & Procedures
Copies of the following policies : Supervision, Safety, Behaviour Management, a Complaints Procedure and a Child Protection Policy etc. are available on request or for reading in the blue folder at the sign in/out desk
All care will be taken to provide supervision of children attending the programme in line with the programmes policies and procedures. Signing the enrolment form acknowledges that neither the Management of Glen Eden Community House, nor its employed or volunteer staff, will be liable for any loss or damage arising by way of accident, injury, theft or otherwise while your child/ren are in attendance at the programme.
Complaints Procedure
1.In the first instance for OSC - if a parent or caregiver or staff member has a complaint against The Out of School Care Programme they are encouraged to raise and discuss the matter with the Programme Supervisor.
2.If the matter is still not resolved, or a parent/Caregiver or Staff Member are still unsatisfied, they are encouraged to raise and discuss the matter with the Community House Manager Donna Cheyne, Telephone (09) 818 2194 (Community House) or 02108043725
3.If the matter is still unresolved, they are then contact the Glen Eden Community House Executive Committee either by letter to PO Box 20 559 Glen Eden 0641 or personally by contacting the Chairperson Natalie Makeef Telephone 0210669821
4.The Executive Committee will respond within 14 days. Where possible, a mutually agreeable outcome will be sought.
5.If still unsatisfied with the written response, a meeting can be arranged with Committee Representatives. The complainant may bring a whanau worker/support person to the meeting
6.If still unsatisfied a further meeting can be arranged with a mutually agreed mediator. The complainant may bring a whanau worker/support person to advocate to this meeting. Decisions will be made in this meeting as to future action.
If parents or caregivers feel their complaint has not been dealt with satisfactorily, they are encouraged to contact: Department of Oranga Tamariki Ministry for Children T: 0508326459 or E: [][/email]
Transportation & Trips
Konini, Glen Eden Primary children will be transported to and from the House in the Community House Van. Seat belts must be worn at all times.
Prospect School children will be escorted to and from the programme by staff members via a a walking bus and may be transported in the van on wet days.
GEIS will be transported to school for BSC in the Van and ASC they will catch the School Bus, being dropped of at the top of the on Rosier Road on the corner of Pisces Road and the children will walk from the bus stop to the programme
Lost Property
It is the childs responsibility to look after their property. Any lost property that is not collected after 14 days will be given to charity.
Damage To Community House Property
Willful or deliberate damage to the House property or facilities will be the responsibilities of the parents. The parent may be requested to pay for the cost of repair or replacement.
Equipment/Material Needs
If you are throwing anything away, think of us first. We are open to recycling materials e.g. paper, magazines etc. Check with the Supervisor on our current needs.