Activity Details
Fairway Infant school | Fairway, Copthorne, Crawley
From £6.75 to £15.65 per session
See Booking Selector for full price details.
Run by Camp Glide
Contact Details
Get in touch with Camp Glide
Breakfast club:
Afterschool club:
Walking Bus:
Drop off is from 7.30am.
Before school we serve a selection of healthy breakfast choices including cereal, toast, yoghurt, fruit and spreads. We usually have a hot option on offer daily.
Once children have finished their breakfast they can join in our freeplay or structured activities before going to their classrooms in time for the school day.
After school your child can join in a variety of free play and structured activities including:
Arts & crafts
Playground games
Party days
and many more!
Between 4.30 and 5pm we serve a healthy snack. There's always plenty of fruit and vegetables on offer. We might serve things like wraps, couscous, pitta and more. We also share news and talk about our values at snack time.
After snack there are some more activities including some quieter options to get ready to go home.
Last collection is at 6pm.
What is a Walking Bus, you may ask? It is a supervised group walk to school where children are accompanied by trained adult staff, just like a traditional school bus but on foot. This not only encourages physical activity but also fosters a sense of community among students as well as developing road safety awareness. Children will be collected at the end of the school day and walk to our setting at Fairway Infant school. There they will enjoy a healthy snack as well as engage in enriching activities until last collection which is at 6pm.
Here are some key benefits of the Walking Bus:
Safety: The Walking Bus provides an additional layer of safety as children travel in a group, with responsible adults leading the way and ensuring adherence to pedestrian safety rules. By walking together, children are safe.
Physical Fitness: Walking to school is a great way for children to incorporate physical activity into their daily routine, while having fun with their peers.
Environmentally Friendly: Walking (rather than using a vehicle) significantly reduces carbon emissions, promoting a greener and cleaner environment.
Social Interaction: The Walking Bus fosters a sense of belonging and promotes social interaction among children. It provides an opportunity for children to chat, make new friends, and strengthen their relationships with classmates.
Breakfast club:
Drop off will be at Fairway Infant school - Go through the main gates, turn left towards the car park and walk along the side of the school building and collect from/drop off to the hall.
Appon arrival children will be offered a selection of healthy breakfast choices including cereal, toast, yoghurt, fruit and spreads. We usually have a hot option on offer daily. Once children have finished their breakfast they can join in our freeplay or structured activities before walking to Copthorne Junior school in time for the school day.
After school club:
Once children arrive they will be able to enjoy a healthy snack. They will also be able to engage in free play and structed activities until last collection at 6pm from Fairway Infant school.
Fairway Infant school | Fairway, Copthorne, Crawley